Sunday, May 20, 2012

Digimon - Memorable Anime

Another long break after finishing my hectic second semester. It's great as I'm still surviving to enjoy my one-and-a-half-months sem break holidays. Relaxing now and yet have an arduous assignment ------- ISSUE REPORT  to do as it did sometimes to make me yelled in front of my pc to release stress when doing it. What the HELL....!!! Can you imagine the troll face?! hehe
Why you come and Disturb my holidays????!!!! 
Back to my topic. Yes, I found my Digimon DVD that I've kept for almost 10 years when I was cleaning my board just now. They’re still well-kept but yet dusty and can be played by the DVD player after I’ve wiped them. It's so gratifying as I found my childhood companion and it made me to reminisce my cheerful childhood. I remembered I stood in front of the TV and screamed  madly when the tamers and their digimon partners were fighting with their enemies and jumped with excitement when  the war.had won. Yet, I mimicked the tamers’ postures and dialogues too when they were using the digivice to make their digimon to evolve. HAHAHA. What the silly things that I did when I was young. *giggling while recalling* 

Anyway, it’s a good anime as it taught me to be strong and never give up when facing hardship. Digimon, I won’t forget you.  I'll keep them and pass them to my next generation. Hahaha

Moral values from Digimon :

Still remember it? 那些年,我们一起追的《数码暴龙》

Monday, April 9, 2012




有一句很经典的话:当你紧握双手,里面什么也没有;当你打开双手,世界就在你手中。懂得放弃,才能在有限的生命里活得充实、饱满、旺盛 得之坦然失之淡然!(摘自Facebook

.....!!还是忘了吧,过了就过了,不要一直对过去执着,不然无奈的只有自己罢了!好,以后就再也不跟他计较了,吃亏就吃亏,不甘愿就不甘愿,让他赢、让他对,总之我问心无愧就好了!算了吧~~ 还有,谢谢他,愿意当我的聆听者,听我发牢骚!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Back to My Old School

Zuuuuppppppppp!!! Our one week holiday is only left 2 days now. How time flies! As fast as an arrow! Wow! Anyway, I will visit the Food Paradise, Penang on this coming Saturday!!  Yeah......

I went back to my primary school just now, an old wooden building which is 100 meter far from my house. I am one of the alumni, so I have been invited to attend the meeting to take the RM100 incentive cash from them based on my SPM result. Everything is still the SAME, the building, the classrooms, the library, the canteen, the basketball court and even the amicable teachers who had taught me from standard one to standard six are still teaching there. The only thing that changed is the walls of the building as they have been painted by the new paint. haha. It was great as the fabulous sojourn to my primary school has made me reminisced my enjoyable childhood that I spent there before. Warm memories T_T

话说回来,最近几集的《On Call 36 小时》就像喷了催泪烟一样,差不多每场戏都会感动得令人想哭、泪如雨下,尤其是一康离世的时候。很感谢一班专业的演员把这部戏演得那么精彩,令人拍案叫绝。很快的,明天就要播大结局了,虽然很舍不得,但希望会是个Happy Ending!期待明天 ^.^

Monday, March 12, 2012


昨天,当我看《On Call 36小时》时,突然间感触良多、觉得医生真的是一个很伟大的职业,既可以救人家的性命,又可以治好人们的创伤。尤其是看到一群医生使尽全力去抢救病人,不过到最后还是抢救失败,结果一脸失望、茫然、内疚、自责的那一刻。做医生每天都要面对无数生死,很多人都以为医生已经习惯了、麻木了,但其实他们是在很害怕面对失败,也都不知道要如何面对。失败以后要承受最后的悲痛,不过承受失去亲人痛苦的是往生者的家属,可是看到他们哭得死去活来,其实医生的心也不会比他们好过。

背负起医生的身份,就已肩负起救人的责任,和死神搏斗、抢救生命。每打赢一场仗,救回一条命,都会觉得开心, 因为可以用学到的医学知识去帮到别人而骄傲。因此,我立志将来一定要当一位有医德的好医生,我要我因为我自己而骄傲!开心 ^0^  Positive Thinking +.+

P/S : 期望
----------------- "每个人对生命都有不同的期望,有些是为了自己,有些是为了满足别人。但从来都没有人可以保证,这些期望何时才可以达成。如果期望真的无法达成的话,那是否应该坚持下去呢?能够达成期望时的确很兴奋,即使只是一个渺小的期望,当它能够落实时,人生马上就像重燃希望。不过期望有时其实很虚无飘渺,但却是我们的精神支柱。期望就像空气一样,我们的身体需要靠空气才可以生存,而我们的心就要有期望,才有力气好好生活。




摘自杨怡(鱼仔)《On Call 36小时》

Sunday, March 4, 2012


Yesterday, was 3rd of March. Although it was not an important or auspicious day to celebrate or being excited with, but for me it was, because it was the day for the PERFECT MAN - Mr Wang Lee Hom to have his concert in Stadium Merdeka. I am his crazy fan and so I have been so desperate and agog to attend his concert since last year. But finally, I failed to do it, cause I couldn't afford to buy the expensive ticket. SO SAD and FRUSTRATED that I couldn't go to enjoy his concert and see him in person and his real handsome face, but not through the television.

Anyway, I have compensated it by going out with my classmates and spent the whole day in Mid-Valley. Quite enjoyable and had a lot of fun with them. We watched a ridiculous comedy without understanding its plot. haha. Yes, it was an exhilarating trip, worth it.
PS : The service in Canton-i Restaurant was really bad and unsatisfied, won't patronize it next time. 

By the way, I heard that Lee Hom's concert was really wonderful and remarkable.... Anyway, I think I will review it through Youtube! WILL!!

不过说实话,没去享受王力宏的演唱会,真的是一个遗憾。所以,我在安慰我自己地说:“王力宏,我们下次再见吧!”  哈哈 =.=

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Addicted to Badminton

Badminton ~ Ping Pong ~ Badminton ~ Ping Pong ~ Badminton ~ Ping Pong ~ !!!!!!

Yes, recently I have fallen in love with these two sports, tremendously. I really love them a lot, a lot and still a lot!!!I can't wait to play them every day since last Saturday. I was bored at that time and so I decided to follow my neighbor, Su Wen and Ze Chen to spend my monotonous time by playing some sports in the gym which is just located behind the Cendana hostel. And I have absolutely addicted to them since that day..... =.= 

As it happened today too...... I was very very agog to play badminton and I counted down every hour in the class until it reached 5 o'clock, which was the time for the BIO Topic Test to END!!! I know I have annoyed my classmates, but this is the only way to show my enthusiasm in badminton. I aspired to play it. Don't know why, the mysterious miracle always occurred when I was paired with Dharish in the match. We paired for 4 times, and we won 3 times. I'm not a professional badminton player and I didn't play it well, but I still could win in the competition. What a perfect match between Dharish and I........hahahahaha. Anyway, will play it harder and  more aggressively on next time, so that my skills can be improved. I CAN!!!! 

TVB 最近推出了一部新剧,名叫《On Call 36 小时》。其内容是讲述一群医科实习生在on call 36小时的生涯中,一起经历生老病死,明白疾病会影响病者及其家庭,所以医生的责任不只是医治身体上的疾病,而是医治病者的心灵,这就是全人医治。在读着医学的我,对这部剧很有兴趣,所以我会支持它,因为我想明白一下实习医生的生活。到底是苦?还是甜?

Okay Good Night ^0^

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Living In Ken's House

Friday…… Saturday……. and Sunday!!! Oh ya, today is the third day I stay in Cheng Ken’s house, with Desmond and Ryan too. Actually, we planned to go back on today, but at the last minute before going back, we gave up our decision. We decided to stay in his house until Tuesday after having a deep contemplation. What a judicious decision right?!! Haha xD 

Yes, undeniably, his luxurious five-star house is really comfortable and cosy. And his family members too, who are very cordial and hospitable, especially his grandmother. She is amiable and very talented in cooking. She made ‘a ton’ of scrumptious and sumptuous dishes for us today and we were really full with the food. My eyes were brimming over with the hot tears when I was drinking my favourite lotus root soup and I could get the maternal warmness from it. In fact, it’s utterly difficult to get the warm feeling from the food in Shah Alam. Hence, I love that touching moment so much and I appreciate it too. Thanks her grandma a lot.

Besides, we befriend with his little brother too. He is cute, talkative and hyperactive. His laughter is hilarious too. We give him an English name, which is Steven. Though he doesn’t like it initially, but soon he starts to feel familiar to that name. He answered us too when we called him Steven. Haha, so cute. >.<

Anyway, I think I should thank Ken and his family profusely, and apologize to him too at the same time. I think we have bothered him a lot while we’re staying in his house. He should spend his precious time to revise his studies like a nerd, but on the other hand, he spent his time by leading us here and there in Setapak.  Wow, he is such a true friend cause he treated us wholeheartedly. What a genuine regard from him. Thank you ya, Ken, we appreciate it. And don’t forget to treat us in TGI Friday. This is the bet and also the commitment between us. Please remember it, hahahahaha….. Good night ^.^ 

Friday, February 3, 2012

I Can Do It

Wow, a long break for my blog till the 2nd of February. It seems like I was really busy during Chinese New Year. I just kept going out to celebrate with friends and family and so I have no time to update my blog…… hehe

31/01/2012 (Happy and Delightful)
Today night was really a fun-filled night. The atmosphere was bristled with delight and laughter, and everyone was brimming with happiness. Yes, this is the first time for the six of us, I mean my other five housemates and I, to gather by sitting in a circle and eat together. Chris got the Domino’s Pizza coupons from his friend and he suggested us to have a pizza dinner. Hence, we ordered 6 pizzas, which were 4 regular pizzas and 2 large pizzas. Kiren, who is on very strict diet, couldn’t stand the temptation of scrumptious pizzas. He wolved down eight pieces of pizzas without hesitation because he was too famished after jogging 10 rounds around the lake. Then, we ate and chatted. This was that night, satisfied.

01/02/2012 (Challenging)
Today is challenging because I need to sit for my trial IELTS speaking test. I did practice with Lenny and Dharish before the test, but it was really bad because I couldn’t answer the questions and my English was broken too.  Never mind, I have tremendous confidence (LOL) and I contemplated that I would do it better during the test. Although the interviewer’s face was really strict and serious, but she would reveal her graceful smile if you tell her a joke. Haha. My questions were about sports and the types of communication. Eventually, I did it with satisfaction and fulfillment, and i hope too I will pass it. Hence, I am a free flying bird now because I have finished my test. Good luck for my classmates who are in the second group that will do the trial test today.

Haizzz, unfortunately, I lost in the gambling again on yesterday. What a fxcking bad luck?! Huh…!

Anyway, I will go to Ken’s house later with Ryan and Desmond and stay at his house for two days. Should be enjoyable, pleasurable and have a lot of fun there, if not I will regret for not going to Dong Zhen temple. I hope I WILL NOT!!! >.<

The most delicious one - Classified Chicken, yummy!!! 

6 boxes of Domino's Pizzas

Saturday, January 21, 2012

A Special Chinese New Year 2012

Yeah, holiday again for Chinese New Year break and I reached my hometown yesterday at around 7.30pm. Although the journey was humdrum cause it took 6 hours to reach, but once I got off the bus, I could listen to the euphonious CNY's songs sounded ubiquitously. People everywhere brimmed with New Year's atmosphere. The whole town is in festive mood. Wohooo!!! Glad to see it. Finally, the exhilarating surroundings made me to put a smile on my face….. ^_^ 

This coming CNY is quite unique and special for me, cause I will celebrate this red letter day with other races. This is the first time and I never did it before. Yes, I brought my roommate home, an Iban from Sarawak to celebrate this auspicious festival with my family. I sympathized him from staying alone in the hostel, and so I decided to bring him home.

Tomorrow is Chinese New Year’s eve (除夕夜). It is a very meaningful day. At night, every family will gather and have a reunion dinner with all the family members. So sad that my brother can’t come back on tomorrow cause he needs to work to earn the double salary. Never mind, he will come back on 初四, and I still can meet him during this holiday. Hehe. Nevertheless, Kiren, my indian housemate will join the reunion steamboat dinner with my family too on tomorrow. The dinner should be merry and cheerful I think. Yes, I hope too.

Anyway, before I end my blog today, I would like to wish everyone Happy Chinese New Year 2012. 新年快乐、万事如意、身体健康、恭喜发财,大家一起发大年,HUAT 啊!!!Bye

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Summarize Everything

Hi!!! I am back.... And today I am going to summarize the affairs that I have done these few days.

13/01 - 15/01/2012
These three days are really meaningful to me. Yes, I did charity work. I worked as a volunteer for almost 3 days in Dong Zhen Temple, 东禅寺, a temple in Jenjarom which is not quite far from Shah Alam. But if you took a bus to there, it will be a very long and tedious journey. Hate!!! But it's okay, I learnt a lot and be more mature I think during these few days. So, although it was so lethargic and sluggish to work there, but it is purposeful and I enjoyed it so much. I was on the cloud nine when the monks there said thank you to me profusely. So touched and my sacrifice was worth it..... Moreover, we took two bottles of peach champagnes from them as a reward ^.^

OMG!!! It was a very tired day for me cause I have worked too much for the charity work. My whole body pain and I was dead beat and felt worn out. No, it was not torturous enough.... Besides, I need to wash my  clothes some more. A pail which was fulled with 10 shirts, 3 pants and 1 towel. Huh~ Finally, how did I wash them? By hook or by crook? No, I washed them with just a pair of bared hands..... tremendously tired like heeeeelllllllllll...... Dog tired

Nothing special. Skip

Oh No... Today was such a bad day for me, absolutely..... I was so sad for my IELTS speaking assessment. This was the first time I sat for the IELTS assessment, and my interviewer was my lecturer. I was the lucky number 1 who had been called by my lecturer.  I've got a butterfly in my stomach and I answered the questions incoherently or maybe I couldn't understand the questions thoroughly. Eventually, I scored band 5 only for my assessment. Very poor right? I had a face like a fiddle when I knew it. Haizzzz... I need to practice more to improve my English and try my best and do it wholeheartedly on next assessment. Besides, I should thank Lenny too for giving me some salutary advice about my speaking skill. She asked me to not to use the broken English next time and use the grammar correctly and try to speak an impeccable English. Okay, I take it as a lesson and appreciate her comments too.

But, luckily, at last, I ended up my day with happiness. I attended a small gathering with my classmates, coursemates and also housemates. They were Nidel, Edward, Eric, Desmond, Kiren, Chris, Seng Ong and Lenny. It was unexpected that Lenny would join the gathering cause she kept rejecting me when I invited her in the class. And finally she came. It was exhilarating when I saw her there. Then, we ate in Subway and walked through the whole building of Plaza Shah Alam. HAHAHA.... That's all for today.... Quite meaningful and challenging to me....

I need to donate my blood tomorrow and I have to sleep now... Good night

Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Great Mistake

Hehe... It seems like I have neglected my blogger for a few days already..... I think it is dusty now and there are some spider webs sticking on it, haha. Why? Cause I am lackadaisical. I'm lazy to update it and so today I force myself to write a blog here... But, what to write now? I also don't know and my mind is blank! I am writing it haphazardly.....

Oh ya!!! I remember an event that happened today!! It is a bad news for me, but for Nidel, it is a tremendous news. Yes, I lost the bet with Nidel today that I promised to her yesterday. Yes, I promised that I won't mention the guy's name in front of her anymore after the 12am of 12/1/2012. On the other hand, if I failed to do so, I will treat her a Subway sandwich and Desmond is the witness for this commitment.

Initially I thought that I will succeed. But, out of the blue, I am the loser. I failed the commitment by mentioning his name again in front of Nidel. A slip of the tongue made me voiced out his name again. Oh SUCKSSS!!! This is the most prodigious and stupid mistake that I ever made. I have regretted so so so so so MUCH!!!! Then, she shouted frantically like an insane person along the corridor when she knew she has won....

"Yes, Chee Chiung is going to treat me Subway...!!! Yeah!!!!!" shouted by her with a rush of excitement. Shit! Then, my classmates knew about this event.... and just Lenny consoled me while Vithiya and Gaudelia laughed at me hilariously =.=

And how about Nidel? She shedded crocodile tears and excited over my mistake although she sympathized me..... Haizzzz, What to do?! It is predestined that I will lose this time. Since I am a trustworthy guy and also a gentleman, so, I am going to waste my precious money again to treat Nidel..... Yes AGAIN.... Crapppp ToT  

Nidel Leong, 你好耶!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

College Life Again

Happy New Year & Happy New Life everyone!!! I know I am late, but it's a wish, so must share it... hehe. I think this is the first blog that I write in the year of 2012... A year that doomsday will come....hahahaha But I know it is IMPOSSIBLE!!!!

Okay, should talk about the topic today. Yes, I went back to Shah Alam to continue my college life since five days ago and I am now in my hostel doing my chemistry assignment. Shah Alam is extremely hot, especially at night, hot till I want to be naked. It is 33++ degree celsius!!  I feel pitiful to my roommate cause I could see his pillow was totally wet with his sweat, and he was sick then.... That's why I sympathize him. But he is getting better now. Good 

Oh ya, I am still in the same class, 12M7. 很幸运的,我班的六个华人(包括我)都没有被调班,我还是看到了五张熟悉的脸,听到了五把熟悉的声音。可能我们的同学缘还没尽吧!哈哈 Nevertheless, unfortunately, she is still teaching us, unacceptable!! And gosh, I get two onerous assignments within 3 days classes and I need to submit them on next week. Hence, I have to complete these burdensome tasks in this weekend. SUCK!! No more outdoor activities or shop with friends T_T But, it is okay, cause I just visited One Utama Shopping Mall yesterday, and my wallet bled, spent too much. I think I should appreciate this golden opportunity to save my money.

Last but not least, tomorrow is 《华人星光大道》final, but I cant watch it cause there is no channel AEC here, so sad.... Support 颜慧萍 and 赵洁莹!! Both of you are the proud of Malaysia... add oil 加油!!